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Anaïs unfinished

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Anaïs unfinished Empty Anaïs unfinished

Post by Anaïs Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:47 pm


Anaïs unfinished 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f55685f6947493747317548386a773d3d2d3436313933323730332e313464656335333666636531376534333434393333343537363230372e6a7067?s=fit&w=720&h=720

||5’9”, brown eyes, honey brown hair||
Age: twenty one
Gender: girlio
General Appearance: She’s tall and lean. Her wavy hair is often kept in a bun or braid as it’s easier to keep herself invisible that way. She is most often seen wearing a rebellion uniform, but wears civilian clothes when going under cover.
Ascarya: Anaïs can absorb light. By doing this she can create darkness, become invisible, and control light sources.
Family: Her family has been involved in the resistance for generations. Her grandparents and parents raised her to be a soldier, both tactical and resourceful. Her grandparents both passed away years ago, in giving their lives for the rebellion. Her mother died six months ago of the same thing. Her father, Ennis, is a leader in the rebel army, and Anaïs is quickly rising through the ranks in his footsteps.
Located: She fights on the battle lines, trying to combat the ever expanding empire.
Play-by: Bridget Satterlee

||harsh, lively, quick||
Personality: Anaïs has been raised to be a hard worker. Her parents were in the field her entire childhood, and Anaïs has only known tactics and strength. Her family is, and has always been, the resistance soldiers.
Motivations: Liberation. Her main goal is to help free the ascari people held inside the egress empire.
Fear(s): She fears losing her father, and losing the war on egress.
History: Anaïs was born to two skilled ascari resistance fighters. Her playgrounds growing up were hillsides, small towns, and riverbanks where her family’s platoon were stationed. The rebels were constantly on the move, and Anaïs learned to be resourceful in her daily life.

As she grew, soldiers taught her to fight and strategize. Her training involved using her ascarya to help keep her allies safe. She has taken on a lot of responsibility as she’s aged, making her parents proud.

Six months ago, on a mission, her mother was murdered by egressian ascari.

written by: Sambeans


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-06-16

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